Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm grown up now?

So, tonight I went to my first neighborhood association meeting. I didn't really want to go at first but I decided at the last minute that I should go. Colin had some stuff he had to do so I trekked it alone. When I arrived, I was amazed that I was definitely the youngest one there by at least twenty years. More people arrived and the meeting got started. First, we introduced ourselves and then we moved on to talking about the string of neighborhood burglaries. Awesome, right? I'm now terrified that our house will get broken into or our car will get stolen. I'm probably not going to be able to sleep tonight and we will be getting an alarm system tomorrow. But, at least I don't have any expensive jewelry or nice artwork. The only thing that might be worth something is our T.V. and it's an off brand. On a lighter note, there is talk that the neighborhood might get a green space. That should be fun, right?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our first niece!

So it is brother and sister-in-law are having a girl! I'm so excited to go buy lots of cute little pink things.


Recently, Colin and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a married couple as well as our six month anniversary. It was an amazing holiday spent with our wonderful families. God has blessed us so much this year that I decided to list some of the things that we are thankful for:

- God's amazing love
- Each other
- Our wonderful parents and families
- Emily, the amazing dog (and Charlie too, I guess)
- Our sweet friends

We are so thankful for everything!